European Social Fund Plus financial instruments for microcredit and the social economy

Focus on Italy and Spain

Event published on: 17 Jun 2024
When: 04 Jul 2024
Where: Sina Bernini Bristol hotel
Address: Piazza Barberini, 23, Roma

The European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) present the event ‘ESF+ financial instruments for microcredit and social economy with focus on Italy and Spain’.

The event will present Italian and Spanish experiences in using ESF+ financial instruments and InvestEU products for microfinance and the social economy. Representatives from ESF+ managing authorities, public and private financial institutions, the European Commission and the EIB Group will be present and will share their experiences and practical examples of the financial products and support measures available.

The event is aimed at ESF+ managing authorities, financial intermediaries providing finance for microfinance and social enterprise, NGOs and other stakeholders active in the social economy sector.

Registration is compulsory and participation is subject to approval. We recommend registering as early as possible, as places are limited. Deadline: Wednesday, 26 June 2024.

The main language of the event will be Italian. Simultaneous interpretation from and into English and Spanish will be provided.
