Peer to peer visit Italy & Spain

Peer to Peer Meeting between Italian and Spanish Microfinance Networks in Milan

Category: Financial inclusion and Europe
Published on: 30 Jun 2024

Last June, the Italian and Spanish microfinance networks, RITMI (Rete Italiana di Microfinanza) and AEM (Asociación Española de Microfinanzas), took part in a peer-to-peer meeting in Milan, organized by the European Microfinance Network (EMN).

The event provided a platform for exchanging innovative practices in financial inclusion and microcredit from both countries. Among the participants, Fondazione Welfare Ambrosiano, which operates in Milan and its surrounding areas, presented initiatives aimed at supporting the most vulnerable populations, promoting self-employment and business start-ups. Microfinanza Srl experts also contributed to the discussion by exploring the topic of migrant entrepreneurship, focusing on the Confia Donna programme. This initiative, launched by Treball Solidari in Spain in 2012, is dedicated to empowering migrant women through entrepreneurship.

This peer-to-peer meeting served as a valuable opportunity for knowledge sharing and collaboration. It also set the stage for future joint projects between the two networks.
A special thanks to the European Microfinance Network (EMN) for fostering this crucial exchange among European microfinance institutions.
