MECC SC Impresa sociale
Microcredito per l’economia civile e di comunione

MECC is an entity in ethical finance engaged in microcredit activities, structured as a cooperative society and, since 2019, as a social enterprise. It was established under Article 111 of the Consolidated Banking Law and emerged from the collaboration between the most significant networks in the Italian and European civil and solidarity economy. The main founding members include the Community Foundation of Messina Onlus – Evolved Social District and the Lionello Bonfanti Pole of Loppiano. Since its establishment, MECC has developed organic partnerships with Etica Sgr, Banca Popolare Etica of which MECC is a member, the Consortium and the European Federation of Ethical Banks, Caritas Italiana, the European network of cities and regions REVES, and other significant social actors in Italy. MECC’s goal is to promote the civil economy and enhance the effectiveness of integrated local development policies.
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