Ritmi organizes advocacy activities with local governments, exchanges of good practices, seminars, research activities, and awareness-raising events.
As an active part of the European Microfinance Network (EMN), Ritmi has over the years coordinated technical assistance activities and exchanges of good practices with MFIs and partner organizations in Italy and Europe. These activities have represented an important opportunity in terms of growth and development for the network and its members, creating effective partnerships. Ritmi plays a coordinating role in the data collection of the EMN Survey – under the name ‘The performance of Italian MFIs: definition of indicators and creation of an online database’, the survey provides an analysis of the microfinance market in Europe.
Ritmi works to give greater visibility to microcredit and microfinance by fostering dialogue with society and institutions, including through actions aimed at influencing specific legislation.
In recent years, Ritmi has been conducting a dialogue with institutions to adjust the regulatory plan of Microcredit in Italy, trying to place it within a shared vision and strategy for the promotion and development of financial inclusion.